I recently took the TCCC course in San Diego with XSA International, I have taken the course multiple times over the last 4 years and each time I walk away with an extra knowledge each time.
I was interested in learning some medical procedures since I am very active with firearms, off roading, hiking, all in remote areas where help is not always readily available. Having prior EMT training, I thought I had a good general knowledge of emergency medical treatment, I also knew I needed a refresher and that lead to Tactical Causality Care brought in the methodology of care under fire.
With the introduction of skills such as installing nasal airway, applications of tourniquets, assessing multiple patients and triage care. Chris’s skill level, not just in medical knowledge is exceptional and his ability to adjust the course to custom fit the education to fit the protentional risks of his students was top notch.
One of the courses I took had young adults from the age of 15 to everyday grandparents, mixed with active military, LE and other EMS. Chris adapted scenario-based training that ranged from babysitting infants, active shooter engagement, suicidal teenager, mass causality car accidents and all were handled with such professionalism mixed with common sense approaches that left no one asking for more information or confused by what they just learned.
I have used my recently learned medical skills multiple time while working in the field, I have been first on scene while at work for anything from deep lacerations, broken limbs and amputations.
While treating the patients the acronyms taught to me by Chris echoed in my ear as I got my medic bag out of my truck and started to administer aid, also all the scenario-based training gave me the mental support needed to face a similar situation I have seen before, treated before and was comfortable now applying these skills to the victims.
In my personal life I have used these skills with anything from lacerations, heat exhausting and splinting a dislocated knee of a player on my daughter’s volleyball team. I highly recommend this course and the advanced course to anybody that is conscientious of their safety, their family’s safety and even the person you don’t know but is important to someone else.